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Queensland Aboriginal and Islander Health Council
Queensland Aboriginal and Islander Health Council

Our Members

QAIHC Membership is open to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community-controlled health organisations in Queensland.

The QAIHC Membership consists of 33 Members (including two Regional Members). Our Members are part of the health system architecture. They improve health, create jobs and ensure Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples receive culturally appropriate health care. They operate in different regions of Queensland, giving us a vast, statewide perspective of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health.

Our Members determine our work program and policy positions through their participation in committees, taskforces and the Board. A record number of CEOs are now actively involved in one or more of these groups. The full Membership meets yearly, and both the Chairperson and Chief Executive Officer are in regular contact with Member CEOs.

QAIHC Members

QAIHC Regional Members